Concrete is so diverse and yet so unique as nature.

Through the integration of research institutions to develop new products and processes can be implemented cross-technology cooperation projects with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with a nichtrückzahlbarem grant of up to € 175,000 - can be promoted.. My engineering firm has already applied for several projects for companies and successfully accompanied.

Cooperation with Universities

involving funds

  • Cooperation with scientific institutions

to develop new products and materials

  • Implementation of research projects and apply for funding

(Eg ZIM - Central Innovation Programme for SMEs)

Based on years of experience and development activities *) in the precast concrete and construction industry can my office to draw on an appropriate background that allows a qualified preparation of the application documents.

Through close contact with universities can also be merged their business with an appropriate research institution.

*) Examples: Erdpufferspeicher for solar thermal energy produced, heating with ice, grave chamber and urn wall systems, systems for rainwater management, wood concrete components, dry heating of concrete aggregates, variable Behälter-/Schachtunterteil-Schalungssystem, fiber concretes (PP, wood, bamboo, glass) and vam ...